2006 Graduate Degree (BA Equivalent) in Photography, Warsaw Film School, Warsaw, Poland
One Person Shows
2008 "Kjøt aksjonen. Fotografier på Lerret," Stylo Design – Hvervenbukta, Oslo
2007 "Transitory Art Show," Skala Eresos, Greece
2007 "Out of the Niche," Fabryka Trzciny, Warsaw, Poland
Selected Group Shows
2008 "Myth and Gender" (with Janina Laxness), Theresesgate Galerii, Oslo, Norway
2007 "Polish Days Culture in Oslo," Kolben Kulturhus, Kolboten, Norway
2006 "Artwork Awarded in ‘Olympus’ Competition," Wilanów Palace Art Center, Poland
Professional Art Experience
2008 Radio Atut (radioatut.de), radio host (art and culture), Oslo, Norway
2008 Days of Polish Culture, Co-organizer, Oslo, Norway
2007 World Arts Art Agency (photography, sculpture, paintings, make-up artists), Owner and Director, Oslo, Norway
2006 Posters for City Service and for Theresesgate Galerii, Oslo, Norway
2005 Casting Director Assistant, Studio Filmowe "Odeon," Warsaw, Poland
2001-2002 Art-Pro Art and Publicity Agency, Owner and Director, Warsaw, Poland
Press Presentations
2005 "Presentation of the Most Talented Students of the Photography Department of Warsaw Film School," Magazyn Foto, Warsaw, Poland
2002 Fashion Sessions, Życie Warszawy, Warsaw, Poland
2006 Olympus Competition, Honorable Mention (of 55,000 entries), Warsaw, Poland